
New York's Finest: 20G's List (#5-1)

#5 Matthew Marchak  (with Vogue's Kathryn Neale & Dolce & Gabbana's PR girl, Ali Wise)

#4 Noah Levy
Don't hate him 'cuz he too is beautiful, or that his semi-celebrity pup, Sophie (a la Sex and the City alongside Elizabeth Taylor - Charlotte's Elizabeth Taylor), but even celebrity reporters have a softer side.

#3 Chris Rovzar 
Young, Yale grad, witty, Intelligencer and a Gossip Girl. 

#2 Derek Blasberg
A Missouri native does really good.  If you're not reading Blasblog on Style.com daily, then get off my stoop. 

AND ....

#1 Marc Jacobs

View all of 20G's List here.


Ella Gregory said...

That's a lovely picture of Marc.

Style Spot said...

Oh Marc, how I love thee <3